Follow Your Heart But…

Morning Word
Follow your heart, but don’t forget to take your brain with you. Some of you have the biggest heart’s in the world, but you keep investing your time and your love into people who are not ready for a serious committed relationship. You can’t build a stable connection with an unstable person. You have to keep in mind that when red flags are raised, that is God’s way of trying to warn you. You have to be more patient with giving your heart away. You have to be more smarter with who you allow to have a special place in your life. If someone doesn’t have the potential to help you grow and make you a better person, should you really be pouring all of yourself into that person? If someone can’t be upfront and honest with you about normal things, can you really trust that person with your heart? You have to understand that you are a very special and unique person, and you just can’t share what makes you great, with someone who can’t appreciate greatness. IG@woodtheinspiration

Stop Looking Back

Morning Word
Stop using your past to gauge whether or not love is coming into your life. Stop looking back if you are really looking forward to having someone special one day. When you look back on your past, you should be looking back with a mindset of learning from your mistakes. You should be looking back remembering that what you have been through, will always aid you towards growing into a better person. Stop feeling like you are cursed or that you have bad luck because you have been through a few bad situations with a few bad people. All of us go through trials. All of us have been through a few things designed to break our spirit, faith and beliefs. However, life always gives us the gift of redemption and the gift of bouncing back. You could be hurting today and end up being happy tomorrow. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Learn to be more proud, patient and positive as great things start to take place in your life.

Love Easier

Morning Word
I believe one of the ultimate goals when it comes to love should be to be with someone who makes your life easier. Be with someone who makes you laugh when you don’t want to. Be with someone who can bring you sunlight during your darkest moments. Be with someone who can provide you with a certain kind of shelter and support when everyone else tries to rain on your parade. To me, when you have someone who truly makes your life easier and can alleviate some of your headaches, you truly do have someone special. Being in love with someone who wants to provide you with peace of mind, is truly one of the greatest feelings that you can ever experience. No one wants to be in a relationship with someone they cant relate with. Your goal should be to be with someone who wants the same things out of life that you do. Someone who you can be on the same page with; mentally, emotionally, physically and last but not least spiritually. Your love for each other, should run parallel with each other. In other words, a relationship is easier when both people are heading in the same direction together. IG@woodtheinspiration

I Still Believe In Love

Morning Word
I still believe in love. I still believe that in spite of your painful past, you can still meet someone tomorrow who would love to build a beautiful future with you. I still believe there is someone out there tailor made to love you how you deserve to be loved. I still believe that you can go from being in a relationship that feels like a nightmare, to being in love with someone who feels like a dream come true. I still believe that someone can still see the best in you, even when you only see the worst. I still believe that you can wake up with joy in your heart and peace in your spirit. I still believe that you can meet someone who will never leave your side during a difficult time. I still believe that you can meet someone who wants to add value to your life. I still believe that you can meet someone who wants to bring your smile back and make you laugh again. I still believe that you can still fall in love…

Last Shot

Morning Word
You may be someone’s last shot at true love. And with being the last shot, sometimes you have to bite the bullet for all the pain they were put through before they met you. You can’t fix their past, but you can change their future. You can make them believe again. You can make a heart that was numb to feeling anything, start to feel again. You being different can make a huge difference in someone’s life. Don’t make them regret giving you a chance. Don’t make them regret giving you their heart. Give them the kind of love that they deserve. Show them that all people aren’t the same and that there are still people out here who still believe in the power of love. You will be surprised how much your love can help someone grow and evolve. You will be surprised how much you can change someone’s outlook on life, just by looking over them and always having their best interest at heart. Give them the gift of being able to smile again.


Morning Word
You owe it to yourself to wait on someone who is worth your love and attention. I believe that you can give yourself a better chance at succeeding in your next relationship just by being more patient. It’s a lot of people out here looking to waste your time. It’s a lot of people out here looking to use you just to see what they can get out of you. Some people out here aren’t looking for love, they are looking for someone they can use for their own agenda just to get ahead. You owe it to yourself to take as much time as you can exploring someone’s heart. The last thing you need is another fool in your life putting you through the same things that the last fool did. Wait for someone who you feel like is truly making a dedicated effort to be in your life. Wait for someone who has the patience to wait for you to open up about your scars. Wait for someone who truly listens to understand you, and wants to reciprocate that same energy right back to you. Wait for someone special, someone who the rest of the world doesn’t know about. IG@woodtheinspiration


Morning Word
We all have different ways of dealing with heartbreak. Heartbreak doesn’t feel the same to everyone even though we all may have gone through it. The most you can do after you part ways with someone is take time to yourself. Take time going through your emotions. Take time sorting out your negative thoughts. You can’t rush closure no matter how bad you want to get rid of what you are feeling. Closure is a necessary process towards recovery. Mentally you need time ripping out the pages of your memory with someone else. Emotionally you need time separating yourself from someone else. All you can do after getting your heart broken is take each day one at a time. You have to heal at your own speed. You have to learn from what you have been through at your own pace. You have to put yourself back together and put the love you were giving out, back into you again. Heartbreaks can be hard, but they are not impossible to overcome. IG@woodtheinspiration

Love Finding You

Morning Word
When love finds you again, embrace it. I know it’s a natural reaction to take off running. I know that sometimes you can’t help but think about all of the failed relationships you have been through and how much it has affected you in a negative way. But embrace love finding its way back to you again. Allow your heart a chance to finally rejoice in a happiness that you have never felt before. When we run away from love, in hindsight we are actually running towards the pain. Emotionally shutting ourselves off from the world will never make us happy. We function better when we allow love to work its way through us in a positive way. We become much more confident and courageous. We become much more compassionate and are able to do things for other people genuinely from the heart that we normally wouldn’t do. Emotionally, mentally and spiritually, we become healthier individuals because the right kind of love can help us grow in the areas that we are the weakest in. When love finds you again embrace it because you might be doing yourself a favor.

Love Easy

Morning Word
Wait for the person who makes you think love is easy. Anyone who loves you, should find it real easy to stay faithful to you. Anyone who loves you, should find it real easy to give you the same effort that you give them. Anyone who loves you, should find it real easy to respect and appreciate you. I’m not saying that you and your significant other won’t have days when things don’t get hard. I’m not saying that you and your significant other will always get along and always agree on things. However, the person you are in a relationship with, should be someone who you can weather every storm with without them giving up on you. They should be someone who wants to keep adding to your life in positive ways. Someone who inspires you and helps you grow in different areas of your life. Anyone who truly loves you, will look for ways on how they can be a blessing to your life, instead of a burden.

A Woman’s Comfort

Morning Word
When you get older and grow wiser as a man, one of the things that you come to understand is, “you can’t rush a woman’s comfort.” You can’t rush a woman feeling comfortable around you. You can shower her with compliments all you want. You can buy her anything in the world. However, that still will not make her feel more comfortable around you. A woman is waiting on a man she can learn things from. A woman is waiting on a man who can spark her to think in brand new ways in a positive light. A woman is waiting on a man whose vibe delights her and just feels right. She is pretty much waiting on a man who can not only open her physical eye but someone who can open her spiritual eye as well. Anyone who can tap into her spiritually and mentally is someone she can definitely see herself spending more time with. See when you begin to make a woman feel more comfortable around you, you begin to access the deeper levels of her love. She will let you know without even having to say one word to you. A woman who feels safe around a man, will move further from her comfort zones right into the pleasure and comfort of his.